Is the organization protected against eavesdropping attacks?
The need for adequate and efficient protection solutions has become more demanding in order to protect electronic components and systems in critical infrastructures against malfunctions or information leakage.
The Dolev company develops and supplies many different protection products – coatings, compounds and metals; Conductive meshes, special alloy strips and even metal fabrics – available to block electromagnetic interference or information leakage
The knowledge we have gained in decades of experience allows us to offer creative and technological solutions for the protection of equipment and electronic systems that are very vulnerable, with effective protection solutions for electronic devices that have become more sensitive and more vulnerable.
A data center is a physical facility that organizations use to house their critical applications and data. The design of a data center is based on a network of computing and storage resources that enable the delivery of shared applications and data. The key components of a data center include routers, switches, storage systems, servers, application delivery controllers, electrical and communication infrastructures
critical infrastructure
Critical infrastructure is the backbone of any country’s economy, security and health. Our electricity, the water we drink, the transportation that moves us and the communication systems we rely on to keep in touch.
Critical infrastructures are the assets, systems and networks, whether physical or virtual, so essential to countries that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, public health or national safety, or any combination thereof.
Below are some typical examples of critical infrastructure; the sensitivity and vulnerability to EMP/EMI effects;
< Electricity production, transmission and distribution
< Power grids and smart grid systems
> Production, transport and distribution of gas
< Process industries
< Heating (gas, fuel oil, steam, etc.)
< Telecommunication; Network, transmission and control centers
< cellular network; base stations, and centers
< data centers; Data equipment, control centers, power supply, cooling, etc.
< Transportation systems (fuel supply, railway network, airports, ports, land shipping)
< Financial services (banking, etc.)
< Production and distribution of food for agriculture
< Water supply (drinking water, wastewater/sewage)
< Public health (hospitals, clinics, ambulances)
< Security services (police, army)
These infrastructures have data/telecom systems that are highly dependent on critical electronic systems and equipment including electrical, cooling, ventilation systems. etc.
Data systems, telecom, process, electrical, modern vehicles, etc. have vulnerable electronic devices, processors, etc. that are very sensitive to electromagnetic “noise” like EMP and EMI, etc.
Unprotected systems and equipment have a high chance of malfunctioning; permanent or temporary after an EMP attack/event.
Every project, every customer, every data center is different.
Information technology (IT) equipment such as personal computers leak information through undirected electromagnetic waves that are mainly radiated from displays.
There are several main threats to information security from electromagnetic emissions and immunity
Leakage of information by electromagnetic emissions: information obtained from weak electromagnetic radiation from telecommunications equipment (including terminals).
Malicious attacks on immunity by high power electromagnetic waves
Information attack on the electrical infrastructure, power lines, data lines
System crashes or crashes are caused by exposure to HPEM.
The dangers of information leakage by electromagnetic emissions include:
Unintended emissions that convey image information emitted from displays of information technology equipment
Utilization of information in databases handled by servers in key infrastructure centers and financial data centers.
Threats that are usually ignored; radiation based
Eck radiation, also known as Van Eck radiation, is a type of eavesdropping attack in which special equipment is used to receive electromagnetic emissions that includes intercepting and analyzing the electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic devices. By capturing these emissions, attackers can recover and extract sensitive information processed by the device, even without physical access. to recreate the signals such as text or images displayed on a screen, or even keystrokes entered on a keyboard. This includes sensitive information such as passwords, confidential documents or private communications.
In 1985, Wim van Eck published the first unclassified technical analysis of the security risks of emissions from computer monitors
Van Eck was able to eavesdrop on a real system, at a range of hundreds of meters, using only $15 worth of equipment plus a television set.
EMP, electromagnetic pulse
NEMP waves will propagate through air, and concrete walls are no obstacle. The waves can also pass through existing cables, through the metal protection around cables or even gas and water pipes,
Stop the transfer of data to its intended destination: your data center.
and at the same time stealing data electronically, eavesdropping, and/or changing or otherwise manipulating data.
Today, with very sensitive equipment, it is possible to read data transmitted in the air, through power lines, communication lines, a security network that is not secure against electromagnetic emissions, exposed to information leakage or total destruction in the case of an EMP, an electromagnetic pulse
Construction and EMP/EMI shielding solutions
There are several main methods of protecting vulnerable electronic devices from a harmful EMP/EMI attack
The Dolev company plans and implements shielding protection and filtration solutions for complexes of thousands of meters
The solution depends on the type of threat and the requirements of the organization, and on very specific schedules. We know how to deal with the full scope, with high project results
Data and systems security is a priority, institutions such as DC server farms today more than in the past
that masking and protections against EMI/RFI electromagnetic fields and information leakage need advanced assurance technologies.
of the potential threats of untraceable and susceptible networks to malicious attacks, especially those involving eavesdropping and leaking information to the outside world
The Dolev company has a variety of solutions for sensitive facilities of any size to reduce unintentional electromagnetic emissions and improve the security of data processing, it is critical,
Best cyber security practices and implementation of security measures
- Measures are integrated in the solution we offer
⬅ The equipment for filtering the electromagnetic interference injected by the electronic equipment in the electricity supply network.
⬅ Supply of special EMI power filters up to 2500 amperes to suppress interference of input lines and output lines
⬅ supply of communication filters, control, remote control with interference suppression of input lines and output lines
⬅ Special filter passages for air, smoke and air conditioning
⬅ Special passages for water (cooling water for air conditioning units), fire passages, gas passages, etc.
⬅ Shielded boxes at the level of individual equipment
⬅ Screened doors of any size with or without interlock cells
⬅ Special filtered communication transitions
⬅ Special transitions for acoustic ceilings
For technical advice in a wide variety of disciplines, please send an email or call 03-5520066
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